Spiritual Pilgrimage to Spain
Learn more on Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4 PM, Fireside Room
After completing two 30-day pilgrimages on the "Camino de Santiago" in Spain, Bill Robinson, executive director of JOY Ministries and former founding Pastor of Peninsula Bible Fellowship, has been asked to share about his experience.
For over a thousand years, people have walked this 500 mile path. Walking provides a rich opportunity to hear from God and share one’s faith with others.
If you would like to hear about Bill’s journey and JOY Ministry’s mission in Basque Country— or perhaps are interested in doing some part of the Camino yourself—you’re invited to join Bill for a presentation and Q & A in the Peninsula Bible Fellowship Fireside Room on Sunday, November 21, at 4 PM. Light refreshments will be provided.
If that time doesn’t work for you, Bill will be doing a similar presentation Monday evening November 22, 6-7:30 PM, at Hale’s Barrelhouse.