Formation Area 2:

The Worship of God

Formation Banner - Worship

God is the Creator of all things and worthy of all glory and honor. To worship God is to love God with all that we are (heart, soul, mind, and strength) and all that we have (time, treasure, talent). To worship God is to acknowledge him in all our ways, recognizing that our lives are constantly lived in his presence. Being formed in the “Worship of God” makes us both recipients and responders of God’s grace as he meets us in worship.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

– Romans 12:1


01 Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are those practices based on the life and teaching of Jesus that express devotion and develop a life of worship. For a brief overview of the purpose of spiritual disciplines, read here.

02 Family Worship

God designed families and households to be primary places for spiritual growth and formation in discipleship. Know how to develop day-to-day intentionality in the family and home with regards to training for godliness.

03 Worship and Time

Part of being a created being is to be structured by time. Because Jesus is Lord over time, following him means learning to see all of time in relation to him: days, weeks, months, and years.

04 Worship and Money

When speaking on money Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Mt. 6:21). Money reflects what we value most and is therefore part of worship. Know what the Bible says with regards to spending,  giving, lending, and investing. 

05 Worship and Talent

God has given to each person gifts, abilities, and strengths. And Jesus teaches and demonstrates that these have been given, not simply for our own sakes, but for the purpose of glorifying him.  

06 Worship and Body

Being made in the image of God includes the body. The body is deeply connected to worship in Scripture. How one cares for their body is a matter of stewardship, discipline, and health to the glory of God. For a helpful intro, go here or here

Key Practices

01 Corporate Worship

From the earliest days, the people of God gathered weekly to re-orient their life together around the worship of God. The centrality of this worship cannot be overstated. And it consisted of singing, tithes and offerings, Scripture, teaching, and sacraments. 

02 Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines aren't simply things to know, but disciplines to practice. The spiritual disciples are those practices based on the life and teaching of Jesus. Key spiritual disciplines have included: meditation, study, silence, solitude, fasting, and Sabbath.

03 Prayer

Paul teaches Christians to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). Prayer is a lifetime conversation directed toward God in order that we might also hear from God as we place our lives in the context of his kingdom purposes. Prayer is a practice that cultivates communion with God. 

04 Giving

Giving is connected to worship throughout the Old and New Testament. We are called to worship with our money in a way that is sacrifical, joyful, generous, and regular.  We are even instructed in the Bible to excel in the act of giving as an act of grace (2 Corinthians 8:7).

05 Practice the Seasons

One of the treasures of the church year is the opportunity to observe regular seasons and develop practices that ground us in the life and teaching of Jesus. Seasons like Advent and Lent cultivate joy, expectation, and wonder both personally and corporately.  For a great video  introduction, see here.

Recommended Reading

If you’d like to grow more in your understand of discipleship, check out some recommended reading in order to understand the goal of discipleship, formation, and the kingdom of God.

Other recommended reading: 

Spiritual disciplines: 


