Formation Area 4:
The Mission of God

God has been on a mission since the creation of the world. His mission has been about expanding his unique presence through the commissioning representatives who serve in word and deed. Being formed for the “Mission of God” means seeing our lives in service to God’s plan for creation and reconciliation in our world, our workplaces, and our neighborhoods.
“It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world.”
— Christopher JH Wright
01 Faithful presence
The kingdom of God is advanced through the everyday lives of ordinary people living faithfully. Faithful presence is a distinctive, counter-cultural, Godward presence lived out in neighborhoods, workplaces, and in relationship with others.
02 Work and vocation
God works and created man to work. Work is a calling (vocation) by which followers of Jesus represent the character of God to the world through meaningful and excellent work. Work provides for material needs and serves the common good.
03 Global missions
God’s mission is both global and cosmic. He is in the business of restoring all people and places, and overturning all powers and principalities. Since the beginning, God commissions people to fill the world in representation of him. Jesus' "great commission" has particular importance.
04 Justice and Mercy
The good news of Jesus is that God cares about justice and compassion and is at the same time opposed to injustice and dehumanization in all its forms of (human trafficking, racial and religious persecution, abortion, etc.). Followers of Jesus are also called to remember and care for the poor and needy.
Key Practices
01 Everyday mission
The gospel is “good news” — something announced. While some are uniquely gifted and called to specific forms of evangelism, all followers of Jesus bear witness to him with their lives and are called to be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within them (1 Peter 3:15). Paul writes “we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us” to implore others to be “reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:18-20).
02 Support global mission
There are many ways to more involved in the work of global missions. While some will themselves be involved vocationally, others can be involved through financial support, regular prayer support, short-term missions trips, child sponsorship, Christian justice, joining a missions committee. While you grow in your understanding of global missions, God may pull you toward unique ways of supporting his mission abroad. Find out more about how PBF engages in global missions here.
03 Support local mission
The mission of God calls us to local engagement. You can be involved through supporting local Christian charities and organizations through finances, prayer, volunteer service. Find out more about how PBF engages in local missions here. In addition, find out more about how you can be part of “FOR Kitsap.”
04 Basic apologetics
Evangelism is most often understood as answering the question, “What is the gospel?” Apologetics is answering the question, “Why should I believe it?” Learning apologetics helps clear the brush of doubt so that people can get a clear view of the gospel. Nobody is argued into the kingdom by reason alone because conversion is a supernatural work of God. However, God employs use or reason, persuasion, and proofs. For a great article, read here.
05 Show hospitality
The practice of Christian hospitality is an image of God’s hospitality made known in the gospel. Through Jesus, God invites us in to eat with him. It is no wonder that household hospitality then is made a virtue and calling in the New Testament — both towards fellow Christians as well as strangers. Read more on how “hospitality” is different than “entertaining (Rom. 12:13, 15:7; 1 Peter 4:9; 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8; Heb. 13:2).
Recommended Reading
If you’d like to grow more in your understand of discipleship, check out some recommended reading in order to understand the goal of discipleship, formation, and the kingdom of God.
Other recommended reading:
- VIDEO: "Where You Need to Be" (Sho Baraka)
- Work: It's Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation (Doriani)
- Every Good Endeavor (Keller/Alsdorf)
- Work and Worship (Kaemingk/Wilson)
- WEBSITE: Made to Flourish
- Evangelism as Exiles (Clark)
- Learning Evangelism from Jesus (Barrs)
- Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Packer)
- The Mission of God (Wright)
- COURSE: "Perspectives"
- Let the Nations Be Glad! (Piper)
- ARTICLE: "In Defense of Apologetics" (Keller)
- The Reason for God (Keller)
- The Art of Neighboring (Pathak/Runyon)
- The Gospel Comes with a House Key (Rosaria Butterfield)
- Generous Justice (Keller)
- Good News About Injustice (Haugen)
- Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World (Horton)
- Everyday Church (Chester/Timmis)
- Ministries of Mercy (Keller)