How is PBF Governed?
Several times a year, we ask those attending Peninsula Bible Fellowship if they would like to become members of our church. They attend a four-hour seminar where they learn our history, meet the Pastor and Elders, tour the facility, and discuss their faith. Those professing faith in Jesus Christ sign a membership covenant and become members of the fellowship.
As a member, your responsibility will be to vote in the election of the Elders. Elders are elected from the congregation and serve four-year terms. A person may serve no more than two terms. These terms are staggered so a new Board could never be elected in a single year. Elders provide care, oversight and accountability to the Lead Pastor. The Elder Board meets typically twice a month and is composed of the Elders and the Lead Pastor. Associate Pastors or other staff members may be invited to participate with the Elders in strategic planning. The Lead Pastor serves as the leader of the Elder Board, and is accountable to the lay Elders.
The Lead Pastor has been called by God and the congregation to lead and provide direction for the Elders and together with them, for the church. The Pastor has both the time and training necessary for the role. He is immersed in the problems and opportunities full time and knows the people and organization well. In addition, his education, experience, and network of fellow pastors provide him with a unique wealth of information from which to draw. When working with the Elders, the Lead Pastor presents drafts not demands. Every idea from the Lead Pastor is not to be seen as the voice of God. Rather the Elders are fellow leaders seeking God’s will, His direction and wise decisions. The Lead Pastor is open and honest with the Elders and needs to follow the Elder Board’s advice.
PBF applies a written set of bylaws to its decisions and actions. They include the statement of faith, the manner of governing the church, the responsibilities of members, and crucial matters like resolving conflicts, and how to handle the difficulties that arise. Copies of the Bylaws are available in the church office.