What is baptism?
Baptism is a response to the grace of God because of what he has done for us. It is a visible demonstration of God’s saving power for his people. Through baptism, we are identified both with Jesus and his church. Baptism signifies new life, new community, and a new King — “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5).
Why should I be baptized?
First, Jesus calls all who follow him to be baptized. In is a matter of obedience (Matthew 28:19-20). Second, it is significant that although Jesus was perfect and sinless, he was baptized in order to identify with us (Mathew 3:13-17). So, we too are baptized in order that we might be identified with him as his people, the church. Third, baptism is a symbol (like a wedding ring or a jersey) that demonstrates new allegiance and identity. It reminds us (and others) that we are no longer our own, but belong to Jesus.
When is a good time to be baptized?
In the Bible, when someone asked how to respond to the good news of Jesus, the response was “repent and be baptized!” Believing in Jesus and being baptized go together. So a good time to be baptized is when you call Jesus your Lord — when you turn from sin (repentance) and turn to Jesus (faith). And baptism isn’t just about being identified with Jesus, but also being identified with his people— the church. As soon as someone commits their life to Christ, we encourage them to be baptized at one of our worship gatherings as it signifies “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). Ask us about setting an opportunity for you to be baptized if you have not.
I’ve been baptized before, should I be “re-baptized”?
Once you’ve been baptized, it doesn’t wear off. When someone is baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — we believe they are truly baptized (even if they were too young to remember or value it). In some cases, a person may want to renew their baptismal vows (as some people do their marriage vows). So, while it it is unnecessary, we are happy to provide an opportunity to renew baptismal vows.

Are you ready to be baptized? Let us know!